Battle Lines Are Drawn
Interesting read in this weekend's Times Pic.
Alas, a two party system in the state legislature.
After 150 years of the good ole boy network, it finally appears the two parties in the state legislature have matured to a point where they may actually stand for something. The Democratic National Party, led by Howard Dean, must be very excited to see that despite a conservative movement within the Louisiana electorate, Democrats in the state legislature are sticking to the core beliefs of their party.
The Democrats' 5-Point Legislative Agenda
- Add 1,200 more government employees at a cost of $63 million dollars.
- Rebuild Louisiana’s failed and inefficient Charity Hospital System to pre-Katrina abyss.
- Spend every penny of the surplus (one time money) on expenses that will have to be paid every year…despite the fact that the economy is slowing down.
- Give ALL government employees a raise, because ALL government employees deserve a raise.
- And by all means, do not reform, refine, or restructure any government agency or program. Always remember big government works best.