Louisiana Politics Everyday

- House GOP Continues To Fight "Mommy Dearest" (The Advocate) - “I like all tax breaks, but we just have to come to a realistic understanding,” the governor said Wednesday morning.
- We're Last, But Not For Long...Cockfighting Ban Passes (Times-Pic) - The long, controversial history of legal cockfighting will come to an end in Louisiana -- and the United States -- on Aug. 15, 2008, if Gov. Kathleen Blanco signs a bill sent to her by lawmakers Wednesday.
- NEWSFLASH! Pelosi Still A Liberal (The Hill) - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is working hard to make sure that the fiery liberal wing of the Democratic Party remembers that she is one of them. She is also going out of her way to reassure opponents of the war that she is on their side.
- Immigration Measure Imperiled Again In US Senate (WaPost) - The Senate yesterday turned back a series of amendments from both parties aimed at substantially altering controversial immigration legislation, but the bill shed supporters as it became mired in procedural problems that left backers concerned about its prospects.
Louisiana Politics Year Around