Louisiana Politics Everyday

Friday, July 20, 2007

Flip-Flop Landrieu Strikes Again

Mary Landrieu Flip-Flops on Social Security for Illegal Aliens

Liberal Senator Tries to Cover Up Previous Vote with Election on the Horizon

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Democrat Senator Mary Landrieu is playing election year politics already. The latest? A flip-flop on banning Social Security benefits for illegal immigrants for work done while in the country illegally. Which vote should voters believe?

"Mary Landrieu tried to cover up her true position on this issue with her vote last night," NRSC Communications Director Rebecca Fisher said. "Voters must ask Landrieu why she supports giving Social Security benefits for work done while in the country illegally and why she felt it necessary to change her vote now. Is it a coincidence that it's an election year?"

Last night, Landrieu cast a vote that is in direct contrast to a vote she cast on the same issue last year:Landrieu voted FOR an amendment that would deny illegal immigrants the ability to claim Social Security benefits for work they completed while in the United States illegally. (CQ Senate Vote 263; HR 2669; 7/19/07)

But last year, she wouldn't even allow debate on outlawing social security benefits for work done while in this country illegally:Landrieu voted AGAINST bringing the SAME amendment to the floor for consideration. (CQ Senate Vote 130; S 2611; 5/18/06)

Does winning re-election come before doing what's right for our country for Mary Landrieu?


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