Louisiana Politics Everyday

Friday, May 11, 2007

Case and Political Scumbag #1. Bob Odom

Bob Odom and His Cronies Are at it Again

House Bill 399?

Has anyone taken a look at HB 399? If not then get ready for the story of your life...

It seems like just yesterday, weary hurricane victims and concerned citizens lined the rails and galleries of the state capitol demanding change. Their message: reform south Louisiana’s levee boards by replacing politico appointees and good ole boys with trained knowledgeable professionals and engineers. Their effort worked. The legislature and the Governor followed as the people led.

One year later, it appears that state lawmakers lead by Ag Commissioner Bob Odom have teamed up to bring Louisiana right back down the dark path (again) to political corruption and cronyism. House Bill 399 is actually attempting to exempt soil and water conservation districts by the Dept. of Agriculture from having a licensed CPA conduct audits. It also exempts these districts from further audit by the legislative auditor.

So let’s get this straight…

#1. Bob Odom wants to change the current law to exempt soil and water conservation districts from using a licensed and trained professional CPA & the legislative auditor from conducting their audits.

#2. Bob Odom wants folks from within the Dept. of Ag & Forestry (DAF) to conduct these audits.

#3. The audits conducted by these non-licensed professionals are in compliance.

That’s it…no further audit is required by the legislative auditor. Wow!! Turn the clock back, dig up Huey’s grave and let EWE out of jail. We gotta hot one here folks!

It’s baffling how in the year when everyone has decided to embrace ethics reform, the legislature could engineer such a blatant violation of the public trust. On the other hand, it’s no surprise that Bob Odom is behind this.

Hopefully the voters will rise up as they did in the fight to reform our levee boards, hold these legislators accountable and finally put an end to Bob Odom’s tenure of corruption.

If you would like to read the whole of House Bill 399, go to www.legis.state.la.us


Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Battle Lines Are Drawn

Interesting read in this weekend's Times Pic.

Alas, a two party system in the state legislature.

After 150 years of the good ole boy network, it finally appears the two parties in the state legislature have matured to a point where they may actually stand for something. The Democratic National Party, led by Howard Dean, must be very excited to see that despite a conservative movement within the Louisiana electorate, Democrats in the state legislature are sticking to the core beliefs of their party.

The Democrats' 5-Point Legislative Agenda

  1. Add 1,200 more government employees at a cost of $63 million dollars.
  2. Rebuild Louisiana’s failed and inefficient Charity Hospital System to pre-Katrina abyss.
  3. Spend every penny of the surplus (one time money) on expenses that will have to be paid every year…despite the fact that the economy is slowing down.
  4. Give ALL government employees a raise, because ALL government employees deserve a raise.
  5. And by all means, do not reform, refine, or restructure any government agency or program. Always remember big government works best.
Howard Dean must be proud.

Proud Mary Tries A Flip-Flop On For Size...And It Fits

Mary Landrieu has stolen a page out of the John Kerry playbook. "I voted for affordable health care before I voted against it."

Last week, Senator Landrieu supported a measure that would make prescription drugs more affordable. However, yesterday she supported an amendment to the bill that in effect ended any chance of it passing. Her reasoning? She was concerned that drugs imported from Canada are unsafe. These are the same prescription drugs that thousands of senior citizens from this country already cross into Canada every week to buy for half the price.

Many are speculating that Senator Landrieu caved in to special interest pressure, pointing to the fact that she has received over $750,000 in campaign contributions from the health care industry. The legislation would have saved the citizens over $50 billion over 10 years.

Read full story here.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Blanco's New Math - Where Spending Is The New Restraint

As our state is faced with a record budget surplus, Republican lawmakers are looking to give some of that money back to the people who worked so hard to earn it. The so-called "revenue neutral" Stelly Plan (in reality, $1 billion in new taxes) has not only hit Louisiana taxpayers where it hurts, but apparently Louisiana charities are hurting as well (read story).

"The Stelly Plan is operating as it was designed to do. While I recognize the political ease in granting tax cuts, I would urge fiscal restraint and a thoughtful review of this entire matter."

Say what? In what alternate universe does inflating revenue estimates, breaking the spending cap, and proposing $2.1 billion in new spending, add up to fiscal restraint? Maybe this is part of her case for increasing spending on education.

FLASHBACK: Road Home Gets Full Funding

From July 12, 2006

"We have all the funding we need to run our full program," Blanco said during a news conference at the Louisiana Supreme Court. "I want to thank Congress for delivering on President Bush's promise to help Louisiana rebuild."

Read full article here.

The Babineaux Blunders - Casefile #754: The (Not Quite Halfway) Road Home Program

Late last week, only after a letter of inquiry from U.S. Representative Bobby Jindal, Kathleen Blanco and her administration admitted that her Road Home Program could face up to a $3 billion shortfall.

To no one's surprise, Blanco and her administration immediately went into full blame mode. First, it was Jindal, then the rest of the Congressional delegation (Republican, I presume), and finally, President Bush. When will this Governor take responsibility for her own failed policies and programs?

Does Fred Thompson Have The Right Stuff? Lincoln Day Letdown in the Land of Reagan

Apparently Robert Novak was among the GOP faithful that was less than impressed with former U.S. Senator Fred Thompson's appearance at the Lincoln Day Dinner in Orange County, California. Described as a "letdown" for the conservative audience in attendance, the event turned out to be a non-event for those looking to Thompson as their right-wing messiah.

Will the man many in Louisiana are looking to as the "true consevative" in the WH '08 race be a contender or pretender? If Friday was any indication, Fred Thompson is no Ronald Reagan.

Read full article here

Vitter Responds To GOP Debate

U.S. Senator David Vitter hits the internet with his response to Thursday's first GOP Primary Debate and reaffirms his support for Mayor Rudy Giuliani.

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